About Social Science Baha

About us
Introduction The Social Science Baha is an independent, non-profit organisation set up with the objective of promoting and enhancing the study of and research in the social sciences in Nepal. Established on 1 January 2002 with the primary focus of starting a social science library, the Social Science Baha was initially hosted at Himal Association, a non-profit organisation located at Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur. By the time of its formal registration as an independent entity on 15 January 2007, however, the Baha had diversified its activities and become involved in other areas as well, namely: i) conducting the four-month-long Immersion Course on Contemporary Social Issues; ii) hosting lectures, discussions, workshops, and conferences; iii) publishing books, occasional papers and journals; and iv) conducting research. Social Science Baha LibraryThe main priority of the…
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In lieu of a history

About us
(the full text of the first brochure of the Social Science Baha published in July 2002)As a country that had but one college in 1950, the decades that followed saw Nepal take some impressive strides in higher education. But, compared to the technical manpower it can now boast of, a considerable gap persists in the quality of social science education, especially at the higher levels. This gap can be said to have played a significant role in depriving the population of strong leadership in a host of sectors, from politics to academia, and social services to commerce. The ongoing social dislocations in Nepal can also be attributed to this lack of an aware, alert leadership.Meanwhile, those with the opportunity to pursue higher studies or conduct high-quality research and writing find…
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