Application of Appropriate Technology and Practices for Food Security and Livelihood Improvement

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Nepal is one of the world’s poorest countries with a per capita GDP of $427, ranking 163 out of the world’s 179 countries. Most of Nepal’s population, over 80%, is rural and involved in agriculture, mostly subsistence, with limited educational and economic opportunities. In the national level, over 60% of men and 45% of the women are literate. Among farming households, over 60% of the poor smallholding women and men are illiterate and are struggling for enough food to eat. Save the Children acknowledge and supports that all the people, especially children, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Realizing the food insecurity situation and vulnerability in the Mid-Western Nepal, Save the Children Nepal, with grant assistance from EU in partnership with Mission East (ME) and International Development Enterprises (IDE), and five other implementing partners namely- CEAPRED, SDF, RSDC, DECOS and KIRDARC, have piloted the “Food Security Initiatives (FSI) Project” in 36 VDCs of 5 districts namely Banke, Humla, Mugu, Rukum and Rolpa during the period January, 2010 to October, 2011.

By all counts, the Food Security Initiative (FSI) project has successfully achieved its main purpose,  for reducing vulnerability of 6839 families and their children, including  3187 (47%) from others group mainly Brahmin and Chhetri, 2220 (32%) Janajati/Madhesi, and 1432 (21%) Dalits to soaring food prices and food insecurity through the opportunity of increased food production, improved nutrition for children and families, and increased household incomes. In addition to these, other 11400 neighboring Households of the selected VDCs were also benefited from the project. The significant change resulted in increased agriculture production, improved dietary nutrition and access to useful services, systems, and structures for sustainable agriculture by responding to innovations in technologies and practices.  The cereal crop, especially wheat and maize production of the beneficiary household increased by more than 50%, and the fresh and off-season vegetables were produced by almost all program Households. These changes has improved household food and nutrition security, and increased household income.